About My Designs

This page is under construction!  I’m working on writing a guide to my designs – but since it will involve a bunch of links to things I’m still working on getting posted – it makes sense to wait a bit to finish it.  :o)

If you’re looking to purchase a made-to-order version of a gown from one of my photoshoots, please paste the URL here.
Please describe what you are looking for here. Please note: I do not recreate gowns from movies or art, and I do not create copies of gowns by other designers. I only create gowns using my own patterns, which I design and draft myself.
Made-To-Order Information Am I out of your size, or do you need a size other than what's listed? If you catch me at the right time, I offer this item made-to-order! It's not available made-to-order right now, but enter your email below, and I'll reach out to you when it is: