Every year, I act in a local play. It’s a rather fun Monty Python-esque recreation of Guy Fawkes. Typically, I wear something from my closet of random costumes. My renaissance costumes are all from years and years ago – old fabrics that I can’t reorder, old designs that I’ve discontinued in favor of newer cuter ones, etc.
Last year, I found out at the last possible minute – that we had a chance to be on television, in costume – a quick spot on a local show to advertise the play. And my immediate thought was, crap, I am a fashion designer, about to be on TV for the first time ever, in something I made 10 years ago and couldn’t re-create!
So I decided I’d rectify that situation, despite it being right in the middle of my busy Halloween season. Sleep… is totally overrated.
I’m always buying random fashion corsets to check the quality and pattern, and possibly add them to my shop – and thus, I had this one in my size:

It didn’t meet the cut, because the embroidery is not gold, it’s yellow. -.- But to help me quickly pull a Tudor-ish dress out of my behind, for a last minute appearance on TV – it would be perfect!

Aaaaaaand here are the pictures from a quick photoshoot we did!

It was the day of the Guy Fawkes play. Anytime I’m doing a costumed event, we try to do a photoshoot on the same day – that way my time spent getting ready serves two purposes!

So I got ready for the play early, and we piled into the car and headed to Harkness State park.

Normally Harkness Park is only nominally busy, but they were hosting some kind of huge marathon/track event that day. It was a challenge getting these pictures without runners in the background, and I got a lot of weird looks too!

I know the skirt is too short! I made it that way on purpose. In these photos, I’m wearing a hoop skirt – because that is the version I’d make for my shop. But for the play, I wore it with a smaller petticoat – and both petticoat and skirt needed to be ankle length, so I wouldn’t trip getting on and off the stage. ^.^

I don’t plan to sell this exact costume. But I might make a lavendar and black version at some point, using this corset:
Possibly with a matching cloak!