The face I portray to the world might be the queen of costumes – but privately, I’m a mom of two boys.

It’s important to me to be there for them when they get out of school. So I create all my pretty things from a home studio.
We’re looking for a house this year – but for now there is a challenge – all of my materials and in-stock costumes have to fit within a very small space!
I outgrew this space quite a while ago. (Like, two years ago!) I’ve been hanging on by my teeth by sewing a lot of custom orders – and trying not to have too much left over fabric and trim when I’m done with each of them.
I followed that path to its conclusion – which turned out to be very long hours, terrible hourly pay, a disorganized overstuffed workspace, and a lot of private frustration for me.

It led to me discontinuing custom orders. But that introduced a big problem! I can’t stock plus sizes (small studio, remember?) except on my most popular designs.
And if I had to choose my #1 priority – it would be making my pretty things available to as many people as possible. If you are plus sized, believe me, you are the last person I want to exclude.
Also, there are some of my designs (full length skirts, for instance) that should really be made to your measurements. The downside to using all that pretty lace at the hem, is you don’t want to be stepping on it!
I thought on it for quite a while, and came up with:
I’m working on starting an email newsletter. That newsletter will contain (among other things) a secret link. Each month, I’ll offer exactly one fabric and trim combination available for custom orders. Usually it will be just one style that’s available – but I’ll offer choices in styles sometimes too.
This way I can continue to offer items made just for you – but in a way that doesn’t eat all my time!