How bout this for a throwback Thursday? These pics are from my first EVER photoshoot!

If you have ever been curious about what I was making back in 2007 – here it is!
I made these renaissance bodices out of saris. I had managed to find a small sari weaver in India who had a simple website with paypal buttons to sell their wares. They had some seriously gorgeous metallic saris, for amazing prices.

I’m not sure what became of them – sadly their website is no more. I still have a few saris – I’ve been squirreling them away for personal projects.

The bodice and belt were reversible! The other side looked like this:

So when I switched the white skirt out for a red skirt, it became a whole new outfit.

I’m three months pregnant in these photos, lol. You can kind of tell in a few of the poses, but I was really sucking it in!

I haven’t designed anything reversible since this little renaissance vest. I should totally bring that idea back sometime!